Stationary All-Electric Hot Water Pressure Washers DHA Series

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  3. Stationary All-Electric Hot Water Pressure Washers DHA Series

The a/I-electric pressure washer produces consistent on-demand hot water perfect for cleaning food and beverage facilities. The revolutionary heat exchange cartridge design is safe and reliable for fast and efficient cleaning.


Belt drive triplex piston General pump with ceramic plungers I Stainless-steel and brass unloader with preset pressure I Forged brass manifold I Thermal relief valve


Open drip-proof electric motor (2500-PSI model) I Totally enclosed fan-cooled electric motor with manual thermal overload protection
(3000-PSI model) I On/Off power switch


Stainless-steel base and frame with rubber isolators


Time delay shutdown

Heat Exchanger:

Used for consistent and efficient on-demand hot water I 120° F to 130° F temperature rise above in-take water, obtained within 3 to 5 minutes I Adjustable thermostat I On/Off power switch I Powder coated steel frame I Patented heat exchanger design I Low maintenance, stainless-steel coils in aluminum casings for maximum efficiency I Eliminates constant cleaning I Eliminates heat loss

Unit Includes:

Quick connect nozzles – 0° , 15° , 25° and 40° I External downstream detergent injector with detergent nozzle I 50-foot x %-inch steel wire-braided high pressure black hose I Professional-grade insulated trigger gun with safety lock-off I Adjustable pressure insulated dual lance